We believe there is that of God in everyone,
and that Truth is continually revealed to each of us
from the Spirit within.
Worship: Sundays 10:30 am
You are welcome here
Feeling Lost and longing for Direct Spiritual Connection, free of anything between you and the Spirit within?
Longing for Spirituality, free of preachers, judgements and plate passing?
Weary of prescribed prayers, dogma, and preaching – but hungry for Inner Peace?
Bring your Spirituality here and share it with us.
Palm Beach Quaker Meeting For Silent Worship, from 10:30-11:30 am on Sundays, is open to the public.
Our doors are open at 10 am, and our hearts are ready to welcome you in the presence of Spirit.
Simultaneous Zoom worship is available if you are not able to join with us in person (link is below.)
We invite you to worship with us in a Spirit-filled space that has welcomed worshippers in Palm Beach County since 1958, regardless of race, gender identity, or nationality. We also invite you to fellowship and share lunch afterwards.
Would your group like to meet at our Meetinghouse?

Please join us this Sunday for
Meeting for Worship
from 10:30-11:30 am.
in person at the Meetinghouse
(doors open at 10 am)
We offer a simultaneous Meeting for Worship
in the lower level of the Meetinghouse with no Zoom attendance
What’s On Your Mind?
New travel plans? Seen any good movies? Reading a book you’d like to share? What’re some new routines you’ve picked up in the pandemic? Wondering why the rest of the world doesn’t know
war is obsolete?
Please join our Palm Beach Meeting Coffeehouse on Saturday morning from 11am-noon. All topics considered! (Well, mostly.) A mixed group and untethered conversation always means some good laughter and maybe something to think about. All welcome!
Quaker Coffee Hour on Zoom
Saturday from 11-12 noon.

Palm Beach Meeting is a member of the